domingo, 9 de marzo de 2014

Lemon Tree A Movie You Should Watch

Last week in history class I got the great opportunity to watch an amazing movie that is called: "Lemon Tree." This movie tells the story of a Palestinian woman who owns a field of lemon trees. The main plot of the movie centers in this women's fight against an Israeli minister who moves next to her and wants to chop her trees down because of security.
The movie Lemon Tree not only tells a breathtaking and inspiring story about a women who fought for what she believed in but also shows the inside of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the reality of women living by the shadow of men and the sad true about court cases and "justice."
The movie introduces the Israeli-Palestinian conflict by showing the contrast between the both groups. On one side of the fence we can observe a fancy, big house where the minister lives in with his wife. On the other side of the fence we can see a humble house and a totally different environment. We can also see the conflict in how the media reacted towards a Palestinian woman who fights a battle in court against an Israeli prime minister. It was scandalous that a widow, a woman contradicted the minister, it was even more outrageous when people saw that the prime minister's wife didn't agree with cutting down the trees.
I would like to share a quote from a review I read about this movie, it illustrates a very important part of the conflict. "it portrays the Israelis, who wield more military power, as abusive and arrogant in the way that any country with superior weapons and armies inevitably appears. The security guards on Navon’s property behave like strutting goons — only too eager to turn their guns on the first thing that moves — or clowns, like the watchtower guard nicknamed Quickie, who dozes off while on duty. " I think this is important because it sort of explains and proves the ongoing violence between two sides.
I want to end this post with a remarkable quote from the movie, " Only american movies have a happy ending." I think this quote is unique because it shows how in reality there is no justice, even though the main character of the women did everything she could to win the court case she didn't even though it was unfair.
Here is a video of the movie's trailer so you can check it out…..

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