domingo, 16 de marzo de 2014

Power and Privilege

Power and privilege are two words that are clearly associated to gender and race issues. Power and privilege are the things that some races have over others. First of all we have to understand what is power and what is privilege. Power is defined as the ability to control or coerce, and privilege is defined as "an invisible package of unearned assets" -Peggy McIntosh. Having power means having control over different social, political and economic resources, people who have power are usually male and white. This is something that should be equal for al races and genders. For example all people should have the same opportunities for getting a job. Race, ethnicity and gender should be ignored and people should be judged or taken into account by their merits, not by the power some certain characteristics give them.
According to the declaration of independence everyone should have equal rights and opportunities. This is an issue that has been addressed all through history and it something that still is an issue now a days. Now a days it is a fact that certain types of peoples have more privileges than others because of their race, while minorities keep getting ignored. Here is a video that talks about this issue regarding gender power and privilege between whites and african americans.

This issue still exists today and it is something that people shouldn't ignore. Most of the people say those kind of inequalities don't exist now a days but that isn't true. In my opinion this issue is very hard to work on because it is really difficult to change someones beliefs according to gender and races. Even though discrimination isn't legal now a days there is still a lot of prejudices in the minds of the people regarding to different races.

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