lunes, 24 de marzo de 2014

ONU Intervenes With Colombia's Internal Conflict

   As a Colombian I feel that I should make a post about my countries internal problems. It is of common knowledge that Colombia has internal conflicts regarding the different guerrillas (such as FARC and ELN)  and internal warfare. Last week the armed group FARC killed governmental officers. I found a very interesting article in that talks about how the ONU decided to intervene.

    It appears that the ONU demanded the armed group  "FARC" to give the killers to the "Fiscalia General" or a governmental office that will judge the killers of the police officers. We all know the Colombian judicial system is super messed up and corrupted but at least the intervention of the ONU is a little step towards change. It is true that many of the actions the FARC does, violates human rights and its about time that other countries or at least he entity that is in charge of defending human rights throughout the world start intervening in a conflict that its clearly out of Colombia's government hands.

Click here to take a look at the article.. 

Here is a video that appeared in RCN Noticias that proves and shows the exact demands the ONU gave to "FARC" 

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