domingo, 4 de mayo de 2014

What I Learned, My Goals, My Future….

     Out of the 17 years I have been alive, about 14 of them I have spent at school. The rest of my time I used it either for sports, reading, music lessons, or spending time with my family. I consider that through all those years I have learned a lot from my friends, teachers and family. Without them I wouldn’t be the person I think I am today. I see myself as an independent, passionate, respectful young woman who isn’t afraid to be herself and who will pursue her dreams.
     Students spend most of their conscious time at school. As a student in school I learned from my first words to complicated calculus problems. Most of the things I know now are attributed to the years I have studied in this great school. I also grew up as a person and set my values during the time I spent at school interacting with my classmates and listening to my teacher’s life lessons.

     In the past years I have learned a lot about accepting yourself and others and about friends. For example when I was a little girl, in pre school the other kids bothered me because I watched boy TV shows. I was supposed to watch girly shows with fairies or ballerinas. Or when I was in sixth grade, when some kids bothered me because had good grades, they called me a “pepe” or nerd. Little things like that made me want to change myself into another person. I was afraid of people making fun of me so I kept music (singing and playing one or two instruments) a secret. I also started hiding the things that weren’t accepted, like having good grades, reading books for fun, or things that didn’t look “cool”. But all those problems don’t matter now, they all helped me grow up as a person. Even though there were mean kids, I have always had friends who help me and accept me. With time I realized that being you is better than living behind a lie. I showed little by little who I was and in fact, my friends didn’t stop liking me. I know now that all those struggles are a normal part of growing up, and wanting to be accepted.

     I also had a lot of problems regarding my academic life. I had lots of issues with teachers in eight and ninth grade. I always thought that they hated me, but I realized that it was all in my head. I learned a lot of what happens in the world today thanks to social studies. Thanks to the books we read in Spanish I learned about Colombian reality, in the Llanos Orientales. I really liked a lesson in eleventh grade about stereotypes. After my teachers showed in class videos about the stereotypes in the Disney movies. Or after they showed how little kids differentiate the black dolls from the white ones . Being the black ones bad and the white ones good. I saw in real life how the media shapes people’s thoughts. How people are taught to think in certain ways since they are born. I started listening to stereotypes in my daily conversations, such as “ all the costeños are lazy,” etc. Lessons like that were the ones that helped me understand a little bit better the world I live in today. A world that is full of inequality, a world where things are not strictly black or white, a world where is difficult to differentiate the good from the bad.

     I have been a student at Colegio Panamericano for about 14 years. Now I am on the last days of my senior year and I can say that my experience in this school has had great positive outcomes. Since I was four years old I began to form part of this great family at school, formed by my classmates, teachers and counselors. I can affirm that growing up with my friends and my teachers was an excellent experience. It’s sad that in a few months we will all be growing apart, each one of us going to different cities to universities, or staying here in Bucaramanga. Most people are marked for their whole life by the experiences they have in their childhood. I am proud to say that thanks to the school, friends and family, growing up was a great experience, even in the bad times I have always felt supported and loved.
     At the beginning of my senior year I had one goal, to seize the most I could of the year. I said to my self I didn’t want to have any regrets, I wanted to be a smart girl who had time to be involved with music, and also spend time with her friends and family. Now that I am finishing high school I can say that I have no regrets, everything was perfect, and thanks to that, I am who I am today. I am proud of who I am, my friends and my family.

     I have no idea what the future has for me. I only have one main goal, I want to be happy. I want to be happy with my self, my choices, the people around me. I want to choose a profession that I am passionate about, even though many disapprove it. I want to be a complete person, like the following quote from a book I like, "I want to be brave, and selfless, and smart, and kind, and honest," (Divergent, Veronica Roth)

     My main inspiration is my family, the people in it are always unconditional and love me no matter what. I am also inspired by my books, which make me travel to different worlds and make me forget the reality. My friends, who make me want to become a better person also inspire me. I want to keep learning, and in a metaphorical sense plant a seed in every people I know. As Mahatma Gandhi said, “ be the change you wish to see in the world.” I will try to be the best of me with everyone I know, that’s how I can make the world different. I am no one to say I can change the world, but I believe that it is a work in progress and that step by step it can be better.

Works Cited

martes, 29 de abril de 2014

Lightbulb Conspiracy

This week in social studies class we started watching a documentary called The Lightbulb Conspiracy. The film basically showed us the history of planned obsolescence and the struggle to end it. The movie showed us how the oldest lightbulb has lasted 100 years, it was produced in Ohio and invented to last. A lightbulb like this, of course, was not profitable because it lasted too long, it was too good. So the companies built a cartel around it, they started producing lightbulbs that don't last as much, so people have to keep buying them again and again. 
The video also talked about the printers and nylon stockings. The printers that are designed by engineers with a chip to stop functioning after a certain number of impressions. Or the nylon stockings which were a great invention at first but because of planned obsolescence that started making weaker fibers. We saw all about the ethical debate around this. The film said, " An article that refuses to wear out is a tragedy for business." It also talked about how they wanted to make planned obsolescence a law but at last they opted for making it a cultural thing and "seduce" people with products. Planned obsolescence is something that still exists today in the world and from one part people say it generates work and all that. But on the other hand it makes people slaves of the economic system because they won't ever stop buying things that won't last and paying money for a bad product is kind of unfair. 

viernes, 4 de abril de 2014

Colombian Monetary System!! :O

In the last post I explained a little bit about how the US banking system works, now it is time to explain how this system works in Colombia and how it assimilates and differs from the US system. After researching a lot I found out that Colombian system is regulated by the Central Bank or the "Banco de la República" which is in charge of the production of cash and controlling how much of it is made.

This bank isn't part of any of the branches of power (legislative, judicial or jurisdictional), the constitution gives this bank the power of being autonomous without being linked to any branch of government." Esta entidad se creó como Banco Central de Colombia mediante la Ley 25 de 1923, definido como una entidad de derecho publico económico de naturaleza única, con autonomía administrativa especial. " This quote shows the law that defines the Central Bank of Colombia autonomous and with unique nature. This is similar to the us that has a federal reserve where the governmenent asks for money to them. I think the money in Colombia is created the same way as in the US so this makes them similar.

Watch the following video it explains the power and how the central bank of colombia works.

Fractional Reserve Banking System all messed up…

This week in Social Studies class we saw a video called Zeitgeist, it is a documentary that explains the fractional reserve banking system in the US and how it all works. At first we understood little because in the video lots of economic terms are used, that many people don't know. The main conclusion I got from the video is that people will always be in debt because of the capitalist system we all live in and that money is created out of nowhere. 
Watch this video it talks about how money is created in this system it will help you to understand what I am talking about in this post and to understand better the documentary that is linked bellow at the end of this post. 

The documentary basically explained that the almost all the money that is floating around in the US is mostly digital and that only the 3 percent actually exists. It appears that the US government asks for loans of money to the federal reserve which gives them the money. Then that money goes to a bank, where only 10 percent of the money gets kept as deposit the rest is for loans. Actually the money doesn't exist it gets created by the federal reserve. When the people go to the banks to get loans they have to pay for interest which is money that doesn't even exist. This way the system is based on debts so everyone will always be on debt. By creating money out of the blue inflation starts and everything goes wrong. This shows us how messed up this system is because it only benefits the people that are on the top of the pyramid because they have money, but for the ones of the lower parts of the pyramid prices will keep going up while they won't get more money. 
Here is the link so that you can watch the video it is really interesting I recommend it.

martes, 1 de abril de 2014

Egyptian Detainees Misery.

In a former post I talked about Egypt's political situation and about how kids were arrested unfairly. I found a very interesting article in (a online news website) about this very same situation. The article I found didn't talk about kids in specific. It did talk about how was life for Egyptian detainees. I learned from the article that Egypt's police tortures physically and emotionally the captives by beating them up or humiliating them.
The article described the case of a 22 year old young man who was tortured and RAPED inside a police station in Egypt. It appears that the Egyptian government (which should take care and make sure that the rights of the people are protected) doesn't have a word to say about this. Even the media in Egypt is ignoring this huge issue. The victim was tortured with knives and electrocuted and then raped after denying he was related to the "Muslim Brotherhood." The article also describes how an activist is asking for help to the civil rights organization. I believe this is something really huge to ignore. It is the duty of the human rights organizations to intervene it is clear that Egypt isn't a save environment to live in. The government let all that mess happen and it is out of control and in my opinion for other countries and entities to intervene. 
Click HERE for a link to the article I just described, there, you can watch a short video and learn a little bit more about this theme. 


Food, Money & Power Related?

Last week we saw a documentary about how food industry is managed in the US. I was very surprised to find out how corrupted this industry is. The movie we saw talked about Monsanto a company that patented the genetic code of some seeds and how this company has taken over the food system. It is of common knowledge that some plants reproduce by polinization which arrives to them by air, or other animals can serve as vectors to transport pollen. Monsanto makes every farmer pay for their seeds (the patented ones) and the farmers who want to grow their own plants still can get pollen from a patented plant so therefore Monsanto owns every crop.
We can se how this part of the industry relates to money, power and politics. In the movie we can see many examples of farmers who tried going against  Monsanto, but they end up loosing because of lawyer fees or Monsanto finds a sneaky way to win. We find the winning of the court cases by Monsanto very influenced by all the money and millions of assets this company has. This is really messed up, to the level that Monsanto made it illegal for people to ask what is in their own food. This issue related to everyone constantly and food is something every human needs to keep living so this has to be addressed soon. I watched a long documentary about this theme. If you want to know a little bit more about this theme watch this video that talks about corruption and capitalism in Monsanto company and how it uses its power to manipulate the government and the farmers.

lunes, 24 de marzo de 2014

ONU Intervenes With Colombia's Internal Conflict

   As a Colombian I feel that I should make a post about my countries internal problems. It is of common knowledge that Colombia has internal conflicts regarding the different guerrillas (such as FARC and ELN)  and internal warfare. Last week the armed group FARC killed governmental officers. I found a very interesting article in that talks about how the ONU decided to intervene.

    It appears that the ONU demanded the armed group  "FARC" to give the killers to the "Fiscalia General" or a governmental office that will judge the killers of the police officers. We all know the Colombian judicial system is super messed up and corrupted but at least the intervention of the ONU is a little step towards change. It is true that many of the actions the FARC does, violates human rights and its about time that other countries or at least he entity that is in charge of defending human rights throughout the world start intervening in a conflict that its clearly out of Colombia's government hands.

Click here to take a look at the article.. 

Here is a video that appeared in RCN Noticias that proves and shows the exact demands the ONU gave to "FARC" 

Confessions of an Economic Hitman

Confessions of an Economic Hitman is a book written by John Perkins we have been discussing about the past weeks in class. Even though I didn't have the opportunity to assist to some of this classes I investigated and learned a lot about this book. In this book we can get to see what an Economic Hit Man is and how undeveloped countries manage their economy. The author's main focus is on third world countries.

In this book we can see that an economic hit man is someone who convinces third world countries to accept payment from the big countries. Actually, John Perkins describes himself as an economic hit man. It is interesting how this book explains and shows the different effects and purposes this has on other countries economies and political influences. 

Here is a video I would like you to watch, it defines better what an economic hit man is in  a fun way


domingo, 16 de marzo de 2014

Power and Privilege

Power and privilege are two words that are clearly associated to gender and race issues. Power and privilege are the things that some races have over others. First of all we have to understand what is power and what is privilege. Power is defined as the ability to control or coerce, and privilege is defined as "an invisible package of unearned assets" -Peggy McIntosh. Having power means having control over different social, political and economic resources, people who have power are usually male and white. This is something that should be equal for al races and genders. For example all people should have the same opportunities for getting a job. Race, ethnicity and gender should be ignored and people should be judged or taken into account by their merits, not by the power some certain characteristics give them.
According to the declaration of independence everyone should have equal rights and opportunities. This is an issue that has been addressed all through history and it something that still is an issue now a days. Now a days it is a fact that certain types of peoples have more privileges than others because of their race, while minorities keep getting ignored. Here is a video that talks about this issue regarding gender power and privilege between whites and african americans.

This issue still exists today and it is something that people shouldn't ignore. Most of the people say those kind of inequalities don't exist now a days but that isn't true. In my opinion this issue is very hard to work on because it is really difficult to change someones beliefs according to gender and races. Even though discrimination isn't legal now a days there is still a lot of prejudices in the minds of the people regarding to different races.

Racial Inequality Still Defines Us…

Last week in class we discussed about one of those issues everyone chooses to ignore because it isn't supposed to exist. We talked about race and how it has been taken as an excuse for injustice and inequality throughout the world. We saw a video that explained us that race didn't actually exist, and that the characteristics that make a race were practically invented by humans throughout history. It is unfair that race still creates some sort of discrimination to people who have certain traits that classify them as a certain race.
I missed school a few days so I didn't get to see as much of the video as I would have wanted to but it left me thinking about how race still defines people now a days. If you turn on your TV right now you can watch how media promotes all sorts of stereotypes about different races that aren't really accurate to reality. Since we are kids the media forms us to believe in the existence of different races which aren't even scientifically based. According to race has no genetic bases, "Not one characteristic, trait, or gene distinguishes all members of one-so called race from all members to an all so called race," With this I come to the conclusion that race is defined by stereotypes that aren't even real. In my opinion the concept of race has to be erased from the planet. The existence of the concept determines which physical traits are better than others and in reality there is no such thing as that.
I was looking for proof that race defines someone's future and I found this very interesting video on youtube that talks about racial inequality in the Criminal Justice System in the US. The video informs you about actual facts and statistics. I was shocked to find out that in the US if you are young, black and male you have a higher probability of going to jail than getting married or going to college. I find this completely disturbing because up to today race shouldn't exist or influence the world, but sadly it does. Here is the video…

Click here for the ling to the PBS interactive webpage about race 

domingo, 9 de marzo de 2014

Israeli/Palestine Separation Wall..

During the past few weeks I have learned a lot about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that originates lots of years ago. Basically the conflict originated by the clash of two cultures which lead to war, deaths and suffering. This conflict has been going on since the arrival of fleeing jews to Palestine until today.
It appears that on 2002 Israel started building a wall that divided them from West Bank which is a territory occupied by palestine people. This wall is supposed to be twice as large as the Berlin Wall. Israeli's excuse for building the wall was protection from suicide bombers and terrorists. Here are some pictures of the wall…

Here is a short animated video that helps to understand the origins of this conflict……

I also found this very interesting webpage you should look at, it talks about the Israeli "defense" wall, the reasons why it was built and has a really interesting article that talks about how the wall violates human rights! 

Finally I want to show this news article that also talks about the conflict and the building of the wall, I found it very interesting because it shows what are the two different sides doing about it.

MLA Citation: 

Lemon Tree A Movie You Should Watch

Last week in history class I got the great opportunity to watch an amazing movie that is called: "Lemon Tree." This movie tells the story of a Palestinian woman who owns a field of lemon trees. The main plot of the movie centers in this women's fight against an Israeli minister who moves next to her and wants to chop her trees down because of security.
The movie Lemon Tree not only tells a breathtaking and inspiring story about a women who fought for what she believed in but also shows the inside of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the reality of women living by the shadow of men and the sad true about court cases and "justice."
The movie introduces the Israeli-Palestinian conflict by showing the contrast between the both groups. On one side of the fence we can observe a fancy, big house where the minister lives in with his wife. On the other side of the fence we can see a humble house and a totally different environment. We can also see the conflict in how the media reacted towards a Palestinian woman who fights a battle in court against an Israeli prime minister. It was scandalous that a widow, a woman contradicted the minister, it was even more outrageous when people saw that the prime minister's wife didn't agree with cutting down the trees.
I would like to share a quote from a review I read about this movie, it illustrates a very important part of the conflict. "it portrays the Israelis, who wield more military power, as abusive and arrogant in the way that any country with superior weapons and armies inevitably appears. The security guards on Navon’s property behave like strutting goons — only too eager to turn their guns on the first thing that moves — or clowns, like the watchtower guard nicknamed Quickie, who dozes off while on duty. " I think this is important because it sort of explains and proves the ongoing violence between two sides.
I want to end this post with a remarkable quote from the movie, " Only american movies have a happy ending." I think this quote is unique because it shows how in reality there is no justice, even though the main character of the women did everything she could to win the court case she didn't even though it was unfair.
Here is a video of the movie's trailer so you can check it out…..

MLA Citation: 

domingo, 2 de marzo de 2014

A Blog You Should Check Out

I found this very interesting blog outside of class. This blog is written by a woman who was born in Yemen, in her blog she talks about different issues and gives her opinion of the conflicts going on in the Middle East and other parts of the world.
I found her blog when I was researching about how the children's rights were being violated in Egypt. She had a post about this problem that really made me think about how unfair was the situation of the children. In her post she is trying to draw people's attention to this conflict and makes reference to articles an videos. here is the link:

Children's Rights Taken Away in Egypt

While I was searching for articles about the Israel-Palestine conflict I saw the title of an article that caught my attention. The article was called: Children's rights ignored in Egypt crackdown. It caught my attention because I had no idea that children's rights were still being violated. I think this is an important issue that should be discussed because children are the future generations of the world and things like this shouldn't be happening any more.

Image Credits: Al Jazeera

After reading the article I learned a few things about Egypt's political situation. Basically the conflict started after Egypt's leader resigned and the country became divided in different groups and was taken over by the military. It appears that even children are participating in anti government protests and are being captured by the "authorities" and have to go through the Egyptian prision system.
I learned that children are held in adult jails and don't get to have representation or medical assistance. I was in shock when I read that children were being tortured in the jails. This represents major human rights violations that are being done to minors. It is unfair and it makes me angry because children aren't able to protect themselves as the adults so they become easier to catch, and they are defenseless against adults in many ways. As the article says things like this destroy Egypts future, people have to realize and be aware of how children are more vulnerable and have to be protected. Not only it is against the law that children are being exposed to danger this way but also is a violation of their rights as humans.
Here is the link to the article, it has videos that help you to have a better view of how bad children's situation is in Egypt
I was shocked to find about this so I looked up for more information about this and I found this video that shows the story of a children that was caught unfairly by the authorities and was beaten so that he confessed. I think you should watch it it. 

It should be the governments job to ensure everyone's rights are being respected but they are doing the opposite. 

Israeli-Palestine Conflict

Last week I learned in class about the different points of views in the Israeli-Palestine conflict. What we were studying made me realize how hard it is to define who is right and who is wrong. It is disturbing that violent conflicts like this still exist, and lots of innocent people get killed because of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. I found this interesting article about a palestinian woman who was killed by the Israeli because she was walking too close to the border.

I chose this article because it is a great example to show one of the millions of casualties that have occurred and still occur because of this conflict. The article talks about how a palestine woman was shot because she walked too close to the wall that divides Israel and the Gaza Strip. It also states how Israel agreed a cease fire since 2012. With this article we can see how this is not completely true and how unfair it is. This conflict has lead to a lot of violence and many innocent people have died.

This kind of things make the situation worse and worse every day. I think it is time that other countries intervene in this conflict. But every country has its own interest when they do things, and its very hard for a conflict like this to become peaceful. It is very unfair that people have to live in an environment full of violence and its sad no one does anything about it.

Image Credits: Al Jazeera

MLA Citation: "Israel shoots dead woman near Gaza border." - Middle East. N.p., n.d. Web. 2 Mar. 2014. <>.

domingo, 23 de febrero de 2014

How Conflict Begins..

Conflict always starts with disagreement over an issue. In conflict there are always two different sides of the story with different opinions. I have always thought that the perfect example of conflict is a divorce, it can relate to every type of conflict that its going on nowadays. A divorce or separation between a couple happens when they disagree about many things so much they can't be together anymore. After they separate the fight over children, properties, business etc becomes almost a war. This can relate to lots of conflicts that exist. For example the conflict between the Shia and Sunni Muslims that takes back to year 632 when the prophet Muhammad died and they couldn't agree who would be the next leader of the Muslim community. The two communities share some fundamental beliefs but they differ in doctrines, rituals, law etc. This has created a huge division throughout the Middle East since Shia and Sunni groups started hating each other. Because of this they have to live separately and compete for power, status and control. Also this conflict has generated lots of suffering, death, war and misery. Another example of conflicts is here in Colombia where insurgent groups such as FARC, ELN, M-19 formed a long time ago because of political differences between "Liberales" and "Conservadores." These groups main idea was fighting for equality but they ended up arming themselves and mixing with terrorist groups in order to finance themselves. In my opinion, conflict will never cease to exist in the world because its impossible that everyone agrees with everyone. But these conflicts shouldn't be held or fought violently, I think that diplomacy is the best option, because the only thing that violence generates is more violence, innocent deaths, suffering and devastation.

martes, 18 de febrero de 2014

Being a Refugee...

During the past few weeks in class we have discussed with our teacher about refugees situations around the world. Our senior class has focussed con the refugee situation going on in Jordan, where refugees keep arriving everyday from Syria and Sudan because of different conflicts. The conflicts are based on civil wars between religious or political differences in the country, like in Sudan where the country is divided in two: the arabic muslims and the african christians, who struggle between each others during years creating serious violent internal problems. We got the opportunity to read in class a very personal essay of a young reporter, Alice Su about the Syrian refugees. With the essay we got a little idea how things were going in Syria and learned how different our lives are from other people around the world. The following quote from Alice Su's article illustrates the situation in Syria, " They shoot you until you get to Jordan. Then you go to Zaatari." This made me realize how different my life is from theirs, they have had to separate from their families, fight to survive, be strangers in a new country and much more, while I have been the only girl in my parents life and lived in stability my whole life. Then today in class Miss Sierra made me think with an example she made about how I didn't know almost nothing about the experiences of the refugees. So I remembered a book I read called The Kite Runner which can relate a lot to what we are discussing in class even though it is a fictional work and takes place in another location. This book talks about two young kids that are raised as friends but separated by religion and social status. In the middle of the book one of them (the wealthy one) has to flee from where he lived his whole life because of the Taliban conflict that was starting. He arrived to a refugee camp and then he was sent to the US. In the book you can see the struggle he had
With his father adapting to a new place and how the contrast was between the two places he was. At first he was from a wealthy family and then got to another place to be one more from the common people. Thats very similar to what the young refugees from Jordan are experiencing. All because of the fault of a conflict they had to live full of fear, separate from their families, integrate in a new place and worse.

My Story

Hi, my name is Andrea Juliana Hernandez the owner of this blog. I was born 17 years ago on the 31st of December. I have lived my whole life in the city of Bucaramanga, Colombia. I am a creative person who loves to have fun. Since I was 3 years old I have been involved with music, now a days I play the piano and sing. Other of the things I love to do is reading, volleyball, spending time with family and taking care of my dog. Currently, I am a senior at Colegio Panamericano, this blog was created with the purpose of making our History class more interesting and I look forward to posting my opinions to what is happening in the world now a days and of things that have happened in the past.Thanks, bye

Here are a few photos of me when I was little, with my family and with my seniors ❤️❤️